Sunday, March 8, 2020

Facebook Bans Face Masks

It is hard to go anywhere without hearing about the threat of coronavirus. People are racing to buy hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes; many are even buying face masks in an effort to prevent the sickness from spreading. With all of the buzz surrounding coronavirus, it is easy for people to get in a somewhat frenzied state while they use resources that could be used elsewhere. Facebook has decided to address this issue head-on.

The social media giant announced that it will take down all Facebook ads and commerce listings that promote the use of face masks. Facebook claims that the ads seem to be an attempt to "exploit" an international health emergency. In addition to banning ads, Facebook has made the decision to remove any unofficial medical claims related to coronavirus and will remove any listings for products that claim to effectively prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) is making similar efforts. The site will remove any misinformation on coronavirus in addition to any ads exploiting the illness.  Instagram will also be sending some posts to fact-checkers while insuring that posts from/the accounts of leading health organizations will be the first results for those searching for anything directly involving COVID-19.

I normally am not a fan of hiding content from viewers, but I think that the severity of the coronavirus warrants Facebook's and Instagram's actions. I have met several people who are terrified of catching coronavirus; reading false information or being bombarded with ads for face masks would only heighten their fears and lead to more chaos.

A Microsoft News Article on the Facebook Ban

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