Thursday, April 30, 2020

Ted Talk Thoughts

I found the Ted Talk by Darieth Chisolm particularly interesting. Chisolm discussed the dangers and legal status of revenge porn. I was especially dismayed by the large number of people who are victims of revenge porn. According to Chisolm, one in 25 women are impacted by revenge porn. The whole idea of revenge porn is incredibly disturbing, but this video really got me thinking about the girls and women who send explicit photos to their partners.

During my freshman year of college, one of my friends sent revealing photos to a guy whom she was communicating with through Snapchat. He had asked for the photos, and I don't think she wanted to disappoint him. They only talked for a few weeks, and then their very brief relationship ended. Luckily, he has never done anything with the photos, but the situation is still heartbreaking. My friend had low self-esteem at the time, and I think that her actions were partially motivated by a low sense of self-worth. It makes me incredibly sad to think about how many people struggle to feel like they are worthy of genuine love and affection. In a healthy relationship, neither partner should feel pressured to send explicit content.

While women are the primary victims of revenge porn, it is important to mention that they are not the only ones affected. Men have also had their personal content posted, but it is far less common. Studies have shown that women under the age of 30, members of the LBGTQ community, and other minority groups are the most likely to be impacted by revenge porn.

Check out this Business Insider article on the prevalence of Revenge Porn

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